List of Stamps and Types of Document Copies in Pharmaceutical Industry
List of Stamps and Types of Document Copies in Pharmaceutical Industry
There are different types of document copies in Pharmaceutical Industry and and they have respective stamps on it.
Master Copy
It is the final approved/authorized copy of any document which is maintained by QA & stamped as "MASTER COPY" on the top center of each page.
Controlled Copy
When a photocopy of the master document is issued to concerned departments for their reference purpose, it shall be stamped as “CONTROLLED COPY” on the top right corner of the first page & the remaining pages shall be stamped as “CONTROLLED”.
QA shall keep a record for all the issued controlled copies.
In case of revision of any Master document, QA shall issue revised controlled copies to the Dept., retrieve back all the superseded copies & destruct them.
Uncontrolled copy
In the case where any document is required by any outside agency or external customer, it shall be issued by QA by putting a stamp of “UNCONTROLLED COPY” on the top right corner of each page.
Usually, no record is maintained for Uncontrolled Copy.
Reference Copy
In case any internal customer requires a copy for reference purposes, then it shall be stamped as “REFERENCE COPY” on the top right corner of each page.
Obsolete Copy
In case of revision of any Master Document, superseded (old) copy of the master document shall be stamped as “OBSOLETE” on the top right corner of each page.
All the controlled copies of supersede documents shall be retrieved back & destructed as per their procedure.
When any product is discontinued or production planning is canceled, then all master documents related to it (SOPs, BMRs, Specs, Test data sheets, etc.) shall be stamped as “VOID” on the top right corner of each page.
All the issued controlled copies of the void document shall be retrieved back & destructed as per their procedure.
Implemented as Such
In case of any corporate SOP is directly adopted at the site, then a photocopy of Corporate SOP shall be stamped as “IMPLEMENTED AS SUCH” on the center bottom of the first page.